March 29, 2013

Third Cherry-blossom Viewing at Kiyosumi Gardens

My third visit to Kiyosumi Teien during cherry blossom season.

The kanhizakura cherry blossom trees were the big draw last week, but in a week or so, people will be coming to view the yaezakura, signalling the end of hanami (cherry blossom viewing) season.

You often see birds pecking at the flowers, and now I know why. The sap was practically pouring out of the branches.

This ibis was quite skilled at catching small fish, one after another, oblivious to the man wearing a tracksuit who kept throwing bits of bread at its head. (At Kiyosumi Gardens, you can purchase bird/carp food.)

Another ibis that had decidedly less skill.

I was quite bemused to see the rubber dinghy that gardeners use to get to the island-like spots in the middle of the pond.

Purple and white magnolias, so much less magnificent than at Shinjuku Gyoen.

 A plant I found close to the park that I have not been able to identify.

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